Saturday, June 22, 2013

Pardon Me, While I Wipe the Egg Off My Face

I open an email from the ministry where Mike and I serve. The email asks if I'd like to mentor another woman on our staff in the area of using technology in ministry. 

I respond saying that I'm willing to mentor someone who wants to start a blog. Since I love blogging, I think this might be fun.

The person in charge pairs me up with Carol and sends me her contact info.

I decide that a letter of introduction might be in order, so I send this.

Dear Carol,

Looks like we've been paired up for a blog mentorship. 

I started blogging about 4 years ago as we were preparing to adopt a 7 1/2-year-old boy from China. It was a great way to keep family and friends informed about our adoption. Secretly, I also wanted to develop as a writer, and this seemed to be a great way to "practice in public," so to speak. 

Lots of adoptive parents stop blogging soon after they bring their child home. Life gets busy.

But for me, I found that I loved writing, and I loved the creativity involved in making my blog the best it could be. And I found a niche - older child adoption.

There's a huge call in the Christian world for churches to care for widows and orphans. A big part of that call involves adopting waiting children. Many people answer that call with good intentions and big hearts, but very little understanding of the challenges they'll face adopting an older child. I blog to paint a picture of older child adoption in real life. In the process I've learned that a lot of blogging is "community building," which is something I enjoy as well. My little "older child adoption" community is growing.

So my blog is a little different from the blogs of most ladies in our ministry. It's not primarily devotional or evangelistic in nature. But I still see it as a ministry where I'm encouraging women to love their adopted kids well. 

You can visit my blog at Death by Great Wall. While you're there, check out the "About" page from the top menu. Also, pick a post or two from the "Reader Favorites" on my right sidebar. That'll give you a taste of my style and what my blog is all about.

So what about you? Do you already have a blog, or are you just getting started? What would you like to see happen with your blog?

I look forward to hearing from you.


Not bad, if I do say so myself. Informative. Friendly. Upbeat.

OK, so maybe it's a little too chipper. Maybe a little over-eager. Oh well. I send it anyway.

A few days later I get Carol's response.

Hi Dana, 

Thanks for emailing... but I don't remember signing up for something on blogging!  I don't like to write, in fact!  :-{ 

Sorry about this - Hopefully, this will give you some time with someone who loves to write! 


All I can say is, "Oops!"

This is what I call wiping the egg off my face and turning it into a blog post. Enjoy!

Coming up in July, a post every single day.

If you're new to Death by Great Wall, I'd love for you to become a follower by clicking the Join this Site icon over on my sidebar . . . or  by"liking" Death by Great Wall on Facebook. . . or both!

Ni Hao Yall


  1. Hmmmm...well I wonder how you got paired with her! Oh well...

  2. Hi Dana,

    I asked your opinion last year about adopting 2 child at one time and you advised against it and I am so glad we followed your advice. We are back one week from China (our son is from the same orphanage as Wexin) and we are enjoying our son so much and see how much love and attention he requires.

    It is so ironic to read your post today. First I want to say I enjoy your Blog. Even though I am interesting in the adoption blogs, I am so glad you are posting your other interests as well. I started a blog to Keep our family and friends posed on our journey in China.

    I barely passed English and my grammar is terrible and was embarrassed to show everyone how bad my writing skills were. However, I enjoy blogging and it is great way of recording our life with our son. I would love a blogging mentor to show me the basics.

    I may look into Blogging for Dummy's or Basic Writing Skills. :)

    1. Oh Min, thanks for linking to your blog. Your new son is so precious! I'm so happy to see him enjoying your loving home.

  3. Ha! Too funny! Just gotta love it when that happens :)


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