Wednesday, June 12, 2013

My Favorite Posts Revisited: "They Said"

They said, "What about your other kids?"

They said, "You can't save them all, you know."

They suggested Nathan would have difficulties.

He'd always been the only boy.

He'd never had to share his room.

They said, "You need to think about the kids you already have."

Well. . . we thought about it.

And we took a risk.

Not just for us. . . but for our kids.

Last Saturday, Nathan, who'd never had to share his room, climbed an enormous tree

with his brother.

And Nathan said, "One of the best days of my life was the day we adopted Wenxin."

First posted November 2012

Ni Hao Yall


  1. This touched my heart in a special way. We have been home 3 months with our 10 year old son. Our other children are 21, 19, and 12. This is hard on the 12 year old and I pray that in time he will be able to say the same thing!!!!

    1. Andrea - 3 months is such a short time. And it is such a huge adjustment for everyone. It is hard on the other kids, but having walked through the rough parts, all of my kids couldn't imagine our family without Wenxin. Hang in there.

    2. Dana, thank you for the encouragement!

  2. {{{Exhale}}}}
    thank you!
    "You can't save them all!" That one gets me every time. Makes me want to throw another starfish in the sea.
    What gorgeous brother who were obviously always meant to be!!
    thx for sharing,
    Nancy-of the crazy 9

  3. Loved this so much...thank you for your post! As the big sister to 4 adopted siblings, I can honestly say that adoption is NOT easy, but it is the best thing that ever happened to me!

    Thank you for this!


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