Sunday, April 22, 2012

My Name is Dana, and I'm a Blogoholic

I'm a blog addict, an information junkie.  I read decorating blogs, home organization blogs, adoption blogs, political blogs - anything that makes me learn or think or laugh or grow.  Here's a smattering of posts I've enjoyed lately.  Disclaimer:  By posting these links, I'm not saying I endorse all the views expressed; but I am saying they made me think.

Is there a blog you read regularly?  Leave a comment and let me know what it is and why you like it.  You can even promote your own blog.  Gotta feed my addiction.

A Detour  Get your tissues ready as Karen, an adoptive mom, shares about her daughter, Katie, reaching an unexpected milestone.

Healthy Short-term Missions? Do it like Jesus.  Jamie the Very Worst Missionary writes a funny and perceptive post on how short term missions trips can be improved.

Pro-What?  Chris, a pro-life adoptive mom, asks some uncomfortable questions of her fellow pro-lifers.  

Add Classic Style to a Small Wardrobe. Several friends have asked me why I've started wearing scarves.  Click here to find the answer I think I've found my new wardrobe coach.

why does adoption cost so much? (and why we didn't just send that money to Haiti)  Kristen, at Rage Against the Minivan, offers a gutsy explanation to one of the questions most commonly asked of adoptive parents.


  1. Come and visit my blog at I share stories from everyday life and the lessons God teaches through them.

  2. I'm a mild blog junkie too. Glad to see you read "Jamie the Very Worst Missionary." I was going to suggest it! Laura Shrader

    1. Hi Laura. I used to love to buy and read magazines. The blogosphere is like one big, never-ending magazine. I'm hooked!
