Thursday, November 4, 2010

Saved by a Meatloaf

Take a naturally beautiful girl.  Add a famous hairstyle, mom's new white bathrobe, her brother's Nerf gun and what do you get?  One beautiful Princess Leia look alike on October 31. 

We made it through Halloween - whew!  Four kids, four costumes, one newly adopted son who melted down and refused to dress up, but enjoyed trick or treating anyway.  Now, I'm probably going to gain ten pounds, sneaking candy from the kids' bags tucked away high on top of the fridge.

We've been home from China six weeks now.  I'm wondering if six weeks is the standard point where new adoptive parents just bottom out? 

This week I've been hit by a wave of exhaustion.  The last six weeks (and the 2 1/2 before in China) have been intense and I don't see an end in sight. 

I was saved this week by a meatloaf.  A friend at work made it for us and sent it home ready to pop in the freezer for future use.  I heated it up tonight and it filled my house with a yummy smell.  Tasted great too!

So many different people have prayed for us and served us in practical ways.  From helping us get ready by painting our house to delivering home cooked meals and restaurant gift cards our first month home  - the body of Christ has been a blessing to us. 

Do you have a heart for the orphans of the world and yet feel that God is not calling you personally to adopt?  Maybe God is calling you to help by coming alongside a family who is adopting.  This link from Focus on the Family shares practical ways the church can help in a little booklet called Wrapping  Around Adoptive Families:  How to Provide Support to those Called to Adopt.  Take a look!


  1. I'm tired too...aren't you home 7 weeks? We are home 6 tomorrow.
    I do need to get to bed earlier.
    Funny story: Tonite we went to the library and guess who got touchy about "his" books. Thankfully he is old enough to understand (I think) The books are the Library's and everybody's.

  2. It will be seven weeks on Sunday - if I'm counting right.


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