Thursday, December 19, 2013

As December Rolls Along

Nathan turned 14 yesterday.

I love the man I see him growing to be.

He's a good son, and he's adored by his siblings, too.

We celebrated with a low key day at home - just presents and a yummy four layer chocolate pie that was easy on all those new braces!

Ready or not, December keeps rolling on. I'm keeping my sanity with lots of photography breaks, trying new shots and editing in Lightroom. I'm beginning to think Katherine may have a future in modeling. My sweet girl can work it for the camera!

December's thrown us a lot of curves. First there was the car accident. Yesterday, we got the news that our van is totaled. So here we are, van shopping just days before Christmas. Just. Like. Last year.

Then our heating and air died. Totally died. We got a brand new system yesterday, and it's amazing. 

Our whole house used to vibrate when the air came on. No more. This system is like stealth air conditioning. You'd never know it's running, except that you feel refreshingly cool and comfy and sweat-free. That's really important because where we live it's been in the mid-80s much of December.

One birthday celebration down. Most of our 300+ Christmas cards sent. Most presents ordered and shipped. I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.

Ni Hao Yall


  1. Lovely shots, especially the ones in front of the tree!

  2. I see so much of you in Nathan! Love your Christmas tree bokeh you have had going on lately! Work it!

  3. I just found your blog and your children are so beautiful! Braces and all :)

  4. You have some pretty amazing photography skills, and your children are beautiful inside and out. Reading about Nathan makes me laugh because I see that he is a little OCD about dirt and things like that, just like me.

  5. 300 Christmas cards... wow, that is quite some number


  6. Stopping by from Fav Photo Friday - beautiful shots of your kiddos! Merry Christmas!

  7. visiting from Fav Photo that crazy hair on your daughter. You have a beautiful family. love your photos.


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