Friday, September 28, 2012

Blogaholics Anonymous

I'm a blog addict, an information junkie. I read decorating blogs, home organization blogs, adoption blogs, political blogs - anything that makes me learn or think or laugh or grow. Here's a smattering of posts I've enjoyed lately. Disclaimer: By posting these links, I'm not saying I endorse all the views expressed; but I am saying they made me think. 

on how gender-stereotypes can damage our children - a must read for moms of girls.

Casting Vision in the Heart of a Child - love, love, love this post from my favorite parenting author.

Why I Think All Adoptive Parents of Older Ethiopian Children Should Cook Ethiopian Food (the longest title ever) - I think I found a new adoption blog to follow.  I love how this mama thinks!

Packing for a 10 day trip with Mike and the kids. We'll be working and visiting friends all across the great state of New York. Oh, and I forgot to mention our four soccer games this weekend. Need to take my vitamins and maybe have an extra cup of coffee and get going! Have a great weekend.


  1. Thanks for sharing my link. :) We have a big soccer weekend, too. *sigh* I'm tired just thinking about it.

  2. And P.S. Good job not endorsing ALL of my viewpoints. I have been a bit opinionated as of late. And sometimes I have a teensy bit of a potty mouth.... :)

    1. Oh Kim - that's my standard disclaimer when I post links under Blogaholics Anonymous. I loved reading your blog -- potty mouth and all!


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