Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Becoming a Forever Family

My longtime friends, Stephen and Kelli, finalized the adoption of their two youngest children just last week. It was a joyful culmination of an almost 3 year journey of foster care. 

In anticipation of the big day, I met Stephen and Kelli and all their kids at a local park about a month ago for a big family photo shoot. It's been so hard to keep the images under wraps, but it was important for the adoption to be finalized before we published anything online.

Get ready for a barrage of photos of this gorgeous family. First off, I want you to meet their kids. Here are my two favorite photos of each, oldest to youngest.

It was a party before the party, a celebration in anticipation of the real celebration. 

Being a family
means you are a 
part of something
very wonderful.
It means you will
love and be loved
for the rest of
your life.
(source unknown)


  1. Gorgeous photos! And what a gorgeous family!

  2. They are gorgeous photos and a beautiful family! Congratulations to them!!


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