Friday, September 13, 2013

Would You Allow Me to Show Off a Little?

This little beauty was visiting us when I captured this shot. Her eyes are to die for!

"Hey, Dana -- what kind of camera do you have?"

The question popped up on my Facebook the other day.

I think that's code for, "Wow. You're taking some nice photos these days."

I'm pretty happy with my recent photos as well. That's why I'm showing off a little on the blog today.

Remember how I took the Manual N More class earlier this year? Well I'm smack dab in the middle of another one of Nancy's classes. This one is called Lightroom 101.

I'm learning to edit my photos in Adobe Lightroom 5, and the results are. . . well, just look at the photos above. The results are breathtaking.

Both classes have been a stretch for me. In fact, in both cases, I felt clueless and a little insecure at the start. I'm the kind of person who likes to make sure I understand everything before I begin. Wouldn't want to look foolish. But Nancy is very sweet, and once I dove in and started posting my work, I never felt dumb. Nancy, a former middle school teacher and mom to a house full of kids, has a knack for giving just the right amount of feedback.

The online format works for me. Lessons are posted 24/7on a private Facebook group. You can work any time of the day or night. Some are written PDF files, while others are videos. As we practice new skills, we post our photos on the Facebook page, and Nancy gives us feedback.

I'm learning so much. I'm having fun. And I'm getting to the point where I can see doing portraits of my kids myself, instead of hiring a photographer. See those two color portraits of Katherine. I shot those the other day as part of her fourth grade photo shoot -- my version of school pics for my homeschooled kids.

If you've already invested in a digital SLR camera, Nancy's Manual n More and Lightroom 101 classes are a fun and affordable way to take things to the next level and get the kind of photos that make friends ask, "Hey, what kind of camera do you have?"

Ni Hao Yall

Little by Little


  1. Great photos. Have I missed something- who is the little cutie pie? She is darling.
    Robin in AZ

    1. Oops! I wondered if that would confuse people. She's my friend's baby.

  2. A mother's duty to show off her kids. A pleasure indeed for any mom. Your kids are just beautiful, your photos captured them perfectly.

  3. I love lightroom, it is by far the best photo editing package I have used so far


  4. Beautiful shots! I was thinking about taking her Lightroom class, I might have to take the plunge!

    1. Martha - I think you would love it!

  5. I don't have Lightroom but your photos make a good sales pitch!

  6. Those are great shots!

    My kiddos get school photos each year, but only because I work at the school, so I get a discount. However, usually the pictures I share with family are those I have taken myself.

  7. Had to smirk a little at the camera question. You are really learning to use your tool! Love these and it just gets better and better. I love online classes, too!

  8. Nice job! I definitely want to take some classes someday, but when do you find the time?!? :)

    1. That's why I like online classes. I can work on them any time of the day or night. There's no way I could work in an "in person" class at this stage of life.

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