Thursday, April 11, 2013

Still On the Road

I'm still here, friends! After a week and a half on the road, I can say I'm becoming a huge fan of the long road trip. My kids are just the right ages for this to be really fun.

On our way to Central New York, we made a spontaneous stop at Hershey, Pennsylvania, because I couldn't resist visiting a town dedicated to chocolate.

Look at the street lights. Absolutely adorable.

On to New York where Mike and I spoke at the Missions Conference that prompted this whole journey. What a blessing to be able to combine work and school and family time. My kids joined in the Children's Conference and made lots of new friends.

Cold weather and wide open spaces. Two things we don't get much of where we live.

And cows. Lots of cows. Here's Wenxin, the Cow Whisperer

Working our way back home, we stopped for an afternoon at Gettysburg. I remarked that I wouldn't have wanted to fight in the Civil War, and Wenxin responded, "That's because you're a girl, Momma."

We're back at Grandma's now, right outside of Washington D.C. Yesterday was filled with metro rides and museums and cherry blossoms!

The American Presidents exhibit at The National Portrait Gallery. Everyone find your three favorite presidential portraits!

Bill Clinton's portrait made everyone's list! The docent told us that President Clinton doesn't care for this portrait, but my kids loved it.

The journey home continues today.

Thanks to Asha Dornfest for featuring my post, Motivating Reluctant Readers, on Parent Hacks this week! Since I haven't been able to blog much from the road, I appreciate Asha taking up my slack.

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