Friday, March 15, 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday

7 quick takes sm1 Your 7 Quick Takes Toolkit!

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Today I'm joining Jennifer at Conversion Diary  for 7 Quick Takes Friday. It's a chance for me to share seven little bits of randomness from life this past week. So for starters, let me tell you why I love Jennifer's blog. Jennifer is a former atheist turned Catholic, and I love the conversational way she explains her faith. She's also funny and great at building community. You should check out Conversion Diary.

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I can't get what 10-year-old Julia said this week off my mind.

"Mom, sometimes I wish I was a boy."

Julia is an athlete, and she explained that everyone thinks boy athletes and boy teams are better. For example, if a girl is able to earn a spot on an all-boy team, it's considered quite an accomplishment. But the reverse is never true.

This is new territory for me, friends.

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You might have noticed that I really love this blogging thing. I love it so much that one of my dreams is to attend a blog conference.

But did I mention I'm an introvert? So the thought of flying to another state to spend the whole weekend with hundreds of strangers is a bit intimidating. And then there are those bloggers who photograph their entire conference wardrobe. Yikes! Makes me think I need to go shopping first.

But by far the biggest obstacle for me is simply deciding WHICH conference to attend. Just google blog conference. There are tons.

So help me out. Have you been to a blog conference? Which one would be perfect for me?

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Sometimes, a picture is worth a thousand homeschool words. Best grammar lesson ever.

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As I read through  Katherine's homeschool writing notebook this week, I happened on one of her original poems.


Awesome and yummy.
The sweetness takes over me.
Every child's dream.

--- 6 ---

My kids are toughening up through classic literature. Julia and Katherine just read Old Yeller, and (spoiler alert) in the end, the boy has to shoot his beloved dog. My how times have changed.

Birth and death used to be a very real part of children's lives, at the very least, through animals. They saw animals born. They saw them die.

Modern childhood is very sanitized and removed from both birth and death. I wonder if that's a good thing or a bad thing?

--- 7 ---

"The plan of God is not to be undone by this world

Her true design pokes through, ripping at the veil of pain and despair

Surrounded by love, embraced in family, belonging to God

Healing can happen"

This week I found this beautiful reflection of biblical truth about our children from hard places, written by an adoptive father. Visit NonStopDad to read the rest of his resolute and hope-filled declaration of truth in a post he calls Statement of Understanding.


  1. Ok, did you have to go there? I am not a cryer but Old Yeller? I cannot watch the movie. And don't even get me started on "Where the Red Fern Grows"...I tear up even thinking about it. LOVE the t-shirt.

  2. What a pleasant surprise to see you joining in, Dana! I'm a big fan of your blog so I was delighted and honored. And thanks so much for your kind words!


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