Friday, February 15, 2013

Don't Be Jealous, But . . .

I'm at Empowered to Connect today. With my husband. And no kids.

I'm so excited to hear Dr. Karyn Purvis in person. You can look forward to a blog post early next week in which I'll gush about all we learned.

As I'm running out the door this morning, I'll leave you with this week's Blogaholics Anonymous.

Remember, I'm a blog addict, an information junkie. I read decorating blogs, home organization blogs, adoption blogs, political blogs -- anything that makes me learn or think or laugh or grow. Here are a few posts I've enjoyed lately.

My Learning Curve: P.L.A.C.E - Adopting the best attitude when interacting with kids from hard places.

Wisdom Wednesdays: The First 60 Days Home - Keeping it real about the early days of an international adoption.

My Train Wreck Conversion - how a leftist, feminist, lesbian college professor, who hated Christians, became one.

How to Fall in Love With Your Home - If you have a Pinterest board full of dream houses, here's a 40 day challenge to fall in love with the home you already have.


  1. Oh I so would have loved to go to that conference. Please take good notes and share with us!

  2. Me too! I wanted to surprise you! I saw you from afar yesterday. Trying to find you today.......


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