Friday, January 4, 2013

Reading Together (with Free Printable Link)

Are we there yet?

The ten hour car ride from Alabama yesterday was made a little more bearable by using the time to finish our latest "read aloud" book, Caddie Woodlawn.

Read alouds are part of our family culture and one of my favorite parts of homeschooling. I read aloud to the kids every day during our morning snack. Many times, you can even find us reading ahead at night. And while we don't have a DVD system in our van, we always enjoy a good read aloud on long car trips.

Since I'm always looking for new book ideas for my kids, I thought I'd share with you what we've read so far in our homeschool this year.

Read Alouds

No Talking Clements
Matilda by Dahl
Mocassin Trail by McGraw
Jotham's Journey Ytreeide
Caddie Woodlawn Brink

Of course, reading doesn't stop with the books we read aloud as a group. Each one of my children spends time each day reading independently. Here's an example of what Nathan, my 7th grader, has read so far this school year.

Nathan's First Semester Independent Reading 

The World Wars Dowswell, Brocklehurst, Brook
Flight Path Buck, Davis

Nathan's second semester reading list will include more classic literature, biography, and historical fiction, along with some fantasy and sci-fi added in for fun. He also reads a lot of non-fiction (mostly science) as he explores his interests.

Our Reading Logs

Each of my children keeps two reading logs: one for the books I've read aloud to them and one for their independent reading. They list the book title, author, and genre. Then, they give it a rating of one to five stars. That's the best part. I love to hear them defend their ratings.

You can grab the printable reading log we use here.
It's free, courtesy of


  1. Awesome - we love read alouds here too (and in the car on trips). Do you use Sonlight (or their reading list)? I recognize many of their books!

  2. Yes, I love Sonlight. I purchase the level for my middle child who is a fourth grader, and just work around that. This year I have 2 third graders, a fourth grader and a seventh grader. I was going to post everyone's personal reading list, but posting books with the Amazon links was time consuming. Maybe another day.


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