I'm a blog addict, an information junkie. I read decorating blogs, home
organization blogs, adoption blogs, political blogs - anything that makes me
learn or think or laugh or grow. Here's a smattering of posts I've enjoyed
lately. Disclaimer: By posting these links, I'm not saying I endorse all the
views expressed; but I am saying they made me think.
In Noah's Defense - when Noah, an older child adopted from Ethiopia, comes home, he is dropped into "a world so new, so fluorescent, so busy he would hardly have time to breath." Funny and insightful.
The Silent Adoptee - an adult adoptee struggles against a closed adoption system to find her birth and medical history when she's diagnosed with a potentially fatal illness.
It's Safe to Get Rid of Old Trophies - wisdom for clearing the clutter in your home.
A Critique of Saddleback Church's Recent Orphan Summit - As Christians work together to care for the world's orphans, it's important that we fact check: both the facts about the world's orphan crisis and the facts about what the Bible says in regards to it.
Ripples - ripples from the life of one young boy.
You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good.
Don't Carpe Diem - if you are a tired mom with young kids, you'll find this funny.
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